Every get that feeling your being watched? Got a cat? Friend of the Family has the cat? Meet Lillith. Danny bought this, runt, for Lynda on Valentine's Day 08. Back then, she was a true runt, possibly the middle child when she was born. Really frail looking; now time has come and gone. Guess what? Danny found out something.
Runts grow up and get bigger with proper care (and a sadistic roommate who gives her treats when they aren't watching :D). Bigger, badder, darker, and with the fury of retractable claws, quick speed, ability to have better vision in the dark, predatory instincts; Lillith made it known, she was still the baby of the apartment, whenever she sole chose it. Every other time, be on your guard and watch your heel for a cold chill running by followed by a tingling pain.
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