Midnight I'm going vegan. I went to a doctor today and I have all of the vitamins.
Dude... Your lame :)
:( why?
Vegans... Guess I'll have to eat twice as much meat haha
You don't even know! So much work!!
I'm sure. Enjoy eating plants, which are living creatures btw you monster haha
I'm cool with that. My carbon dioxide keeps them alive. I'm so excited rey :)
Your a dork. Each plant you eat means less oxygen produced. Thanks.
Some plants can't survive without you cutting parts off. And we don't eat a lot of plants therefore your oxygen supply is met.
No, you may not eat alot of plants in one sitting, but your picking them off. That and the amount of cattle eating them doesn't help.
I mean we don't normally eat a lot of plants. Like roses or shrubs, oak trees, etc. And yeah. Which is why there are people like you keeping numbers down :) you should just eat roam free meat.
Just because I can, doesn't mean I will. Vegans kill plants, which feed cattle, which feed me. So your actually killing non vegans. Grats murderer.
Cattle eat grass. I promise you I'll leave enough grass for them. But you really should eat roam free meat. Eliminate sluaghter houses! And if there were no cattle you could eat veggies :()
Cattle roaming free without being in check would be too tough to fetch for a meal. Not to mention the impact it'd have in society, plus the health issues.
What health issues? That solves most if not all of the problems slaughter hosues have. It would have little impact on society if the houses switched over.
The amount of dung left behind. Not to mention who would pick up after it. Erosion to the soil. Dieseases being spread rather than contained.
Or the ranchers would collect it and sell it to the farmers to use as fertilizer :)
Why bother if cattle are roaming free? Why not they get rid of the middle man and make their profit? So ranchers would have a less income, yay for that meanie.
I'm confused. If the rancher had roaming cows and collected their poo, they'd collect from the meat and the poo they sell to the farmers who then make money from what they grow.
Whats the point of roaming cattle?
It's the same thing as a slaughter house basically except before they kill them they aren't kept in awful living conditions, and for the most part aren't killed and processed with diseases.
Adds to the flavor in my book.
Also adds to the amount of pain the animals are forced to endure. Plus all the lame animals killed.
Lame animals? I can understand crap living conditions, but you can thank the government for that. Now the diseases, its always going to be there. Sure it'll be reduced with better living conditions, but still exists.
I understand diseases in these facilities are inevitable, but I want to lower them. That's my point. Nothing is perfect. Animals are meant to be eaten so they don't overpopulate, but I don't believe they are meant to be tortured beforehand. Lame animals have broken limbs.
Yes, animals should've overpopulate. Espiecally humans, some just deserve to be eaten. And there will always be sadistic freaks who gain pleasure from torturing animals.
[White = Schy Greenish= Rey]
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