Monday, July 25, 2011

All Natural August

Meatless May was a success. I completed 31 days of eating healthier and less meat. Now I want to attempt All Natural August, another 31 days of trying something different. Now to come up with a list of items I will and can eat for the upcoming month.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Meatless May Day 3

I ALMOST cracked. So very close to going to Jack in the Box for a Sourdough burger, but lucky me I made some PB&J Sammichs. Well, since I did eat most of the bread today, I really should go and buy some more. Perhaps I should wash dishes so I can make some velvetta, yum. Sadly I can't add the bacon but thats okay, Velvetta... xD

Interestingly, chicken taco sandwich things are being made in the kitchen, and though I am still hungry, I can't bring myself to go get any. I want to see how long I can actually go before I need to consume meat. I'm sure 31 Days should be something easy to accomplish, but I just need to figure out how to last or better yet... go get groceries.

Well, tomorrow back to work. :(

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Meatless May

So, I decided I will attempt to be vegetarian for May. Thus, "Meatless May". So starts Day 1 of this very long month of no Baconators, Chik-fil-a Salads, Extra Long Cheesy Coneys, etc.

Ugh. I'm not helping at all. Last night I was craving a burger so badly :( but no, I must remain steadfast and strong. 31 Days of a new lifestyle in regards to food consumption. Somehow, I would have never done this back home. Austin has given me a chance to remake a life. The people, the city, the atmosphere, everything is completely different yet the same.

Off to work. Hopefully, I won't think of sweet, delicious, crunchy, yummy, tasteful bacon...

Damn you Ellie and Schy for rubbing off your silly ways on me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'll Always Be A Hunter

Same pet I've had since I first started as a Night Elf and tamed this beauty at level 10, been with me this whole time :)

He raids with me both in and out of game. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

26g Repair

Attempted Throne of Four Winds last night with a couple of members of Chaos Risen I had meet or seen around Org a couple of times. One of which was Sicon's alt (! - was wondering where he ran off to, hadn't seen him in awhile). Sadly we didn't down anything, got a few attempts in, best one was getting each of them to around 30%.

Might have been since it was late thats why we couldn't bring ourselves to finish it up. After a week or so without logging onto my Hunter other than my Daily Heroic, I didn't mind. I was itching for a raid, any raid, even if it was just a trash run. Don't get me wrong, love the Guild I'm in, but it's been a pretty slow couple of days with IRL stuff going on. At least 8 or 9 people are geared for Raids, 2 of which happen to be my Hunter and Holy Pally that I leveled and geared to be the Healer for the Guild.

Now, I'm not complaining, good people, great attitudes, but they seem a little alt-happy. Perhaps I'll schedule a Baradin Hold mechanics run this Wednesday so they can see the content and see what it has to offer. Now to get at least 9 other members who want to attempt it...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Project Jenny



Preferably in white and a smaller spoiler. Not much for rims or a huge body kit. Just something, much more attractive.