Monday, April 18, 2011

26g Repair

Attempted Throne of Four Winds last night with a couple of members of Chaos Risen I had meet or seen around Org a couple of times. One of which was Sicon's alt (! - was wondering where he ran off to, hadn't seen him in awhile). Sadly we didn't down anything, got a few attempts in, best one was getting each of them to around 30%.

Might have been since it was late thats why we couldn't bring ourselves to finish it up. After a week or so without logging onto my Hunter other than my Daily Heroic, I didn't mind. I was itching for a raid, any raid, even if it was just a trash run. Don't get me wrong, love the Guild I'm in, but it's been a pretty slow couple of days with IRL stuff going on. At least 8 or 9 people are geared for Raids, 2 of which happen to be my Hunter and Holy Pally that I leveled and geared to be the Healer for the Guild.

Now, I'm not complaining, good people, great attitudes, but they seem a little alt-happy. Perhaps I'll schedule a Baradin Hold mechanics run this Wednesday so they can see the content and see what it has to offer. Now to get at least 9 other members who want to attempt it...